How to improve s355 steel?

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S355 steel is an alloy steel with a high weldability. It also is widely used as a foundation for end products. The type of steel is widely used in various industries. This particularly pertains to pipelines and frames, but also to wind turbines and tanks. Want to learn more about this versatile material that can be used for many products? We tell you more about it, just like we tell you more about repairing and improving s355 steel.

Which end products are made from s355 steel?

S355 steel is a very versatile product.Its reflected in its wide range of applications. It’s a common choice for construction buildings, bridges and industrial structures. That’s because of the high strength and durability. Additionally, S355 steel finds use in the manufacturing of machinery (pipelines and frames), vehicles and even ships, benefiting from its weldability and formability.

Heat treatments on s355 steel

Although it is strong on its own, it is naturally possible that you might want to enhance the mechanical properties of S355 steel. It is also possible to repair small cracks or fractures in the s355 steel. Should this be the goal, heat treatment is highly recommended. Each type of heat treatment results in a different outcome. S355 steel is a low-carbon, high-strength structural steel.

Which heat treatments do we offer on s355 steel?

Er zijn verschillende heat treatments die uitgevoerd kunnen worden op 355 staal. Welke dan het beste is, hangt af van de hulpvraag. We leggen je graag meer uit over de verschillende treatments of s355 steel:

  • Normalizing: This involves heating the steel to a temperature above its critical point and then allowing it to air cool. Normalizing can help refine the grain structure and improve toughness.
  • Stress Relieving: After welding or machining, S355 steel might have residual stresses. A stress-relieving heat treatment can reduce these stresses, minimizing the risk of distortion or cracking in subsequent operations or service.
  • Annealing: This involves heating the steel to a suitable temperature, holding it for a certain time, and then cooling it slowly. Annealing can improve ductility and reduce hardness, making the steel easier to machine or form.
  • Solution Annealing: In cases where the steel has alloying elements that can form secondary phases or precipitates, solution annealing might be used. This process involves heating the steel to a temperature where these secondary phases dissolve and then rapidly cooling it to keep them in solution.

It’s important to note that while these heat treatments are possible, not all of them are typically applied to S355 steel. The decision to use a specific heat treatment depends on the final application of the steel and the desired properties. As always, to determine the correct heat treatment it is useful to leave this to a professional.

Delta Heat Services: the specialist in heat treatments in the Netherlands

Do you want to guarantee that the heat treatment process of S355 steel is going well? Or perhaps you’ve had some bad experiences in the past? Don’t hesitate and reach out to Delta Heat Services. Our heat treatment experts can provide you with all the necessary advice. In addition to that, you can also purchase or rent the required equipment from us. Please fill in our contact form and get personal advice about preheating S355 steel or another piece that needs a heat treatment.

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